The Survivalist's Bible - Table of Contents
This is a MUST for anyone who enjoys camping and the outdorr life, or who wants to be
prepared for any natural (or unnatural) disasters that might befall them. It has much
valuable information that can save your life if your are caught in an earthquake, fire,
flood, nuclear attack, asteroidal impact, and more.
The information here is as accurate as the author can make it. Take it to heart, learn from it,
and most of all, BE PREPARED! Knowing what may befall you and preparing for the possibilities ahead
of time can keep your alive while those around you are dead.
Of course, the survivors could grow to envy the dead... At the least, burying a few million corpses
is not my idea of a great way to spend a Saturday night...
Thanks for the author (Richard Perron) for writing this.
The information has been reformatted into catagories to make it easier to search for information.
It is still being edited, so please be patient.
Food Preparation:
Cleaning and Cooking of Birds
Butchering, Skinning, and Tanning
Drinking Like a Camel
Survivalist Cooking 101
Desert Additional: Edible Plants
Fish and other Aquatic Wildlife
Fishing 101: Hooks, Gorges, and Traps
Edible Foods
Food Storage and More: Survival on the Home Front
Hunting for Food
Insects for Food
Plants: Additional
Edible Plants: Canada
Edible Plants: Tropics and SubTropics
Poisonous Plants
Preparation of Plants
Edible Plants: Northern Seas and Shores
Edible Plants: Arctic and Tundra
Small Game Hunting: Reptiles
Importance of Water
Survival in Various Climates:
Mountaineer's Twelve Essentials for Survival
Arctic Bloodbath: Cold-weather Survival in a Fresh Carcass
Surviving in Various Climates
Desert Survival 101
Fire: Starting in Various Conditions
Fire: Additional Burn Table
Surviving in Mountain Climates
Arctic and Cold-climate Survival
Survival at Sea
Skinning Game
Tracking Game
Dressing for Survial: Clothing and Boots
Reading the Signs: Compasses and Maps
Duct Tape
Eearthquake Preparedness Guide
Survial Kits
Care and Maintenance of Horses
The Campground
Journals, Record-keeping, and Navigation
Moving Around: Judging Distance and Moving Your Camp
Basecamp Basics
Making Tools from a Plane Crash
Canoes, Rafts, and Boats
Rafts: Additional
Survival Kits
SeaCompass: GPS
Shelter and Camp
Signaling for Help
More GPS
Weather Prediction
Extra Tools
Disasters: From Plane Crashes to Nuclear Exchanges
Gather Food after a Nuclear Exchange
Surviving Transportation Disasters
Short Version of The Survivalist's Bible
Psychology of Survivalism
The Unexpected